One of our adventures

What was The Underdogs
One of our adventures




Although the journey was a long one, 27 hours by train, the dreaded London tube, coach and ferry, the whole group did pretty well.

On our arrival at a car park in Bratislava at 1pm, we discovered that our lift had not arrived and after 4 hours of waiting and trying to find someone who spoke English, we finally got through to Jozef at the centre, we were to stay at he could only suggest that we get on the next available train to Spisska Nova Vess, at 12 midnight we boarded the train for our 5 hour journey to our destination.


Our first impression of the centre we were staying at was a bit blurred due to being absolutely exhausted. We woke around 2pm that afternoon to the sound of lots of youngsters voices playing outside. On investigation we discovered approximately 20 youths playing volleyball. Jozef introduced the girls to the Slovak youths and that was it, friendships were almost immediately formed between the boys and girls.


Our stay was a bit too relaxing for our group and I found the girls were a bit bored at times, mainly due too the fact that the programme we were given was not being stuck to, the girls actively took part in any activities that were going on and really enjoyed the freedom of the woodlands that surrounded the Hinlcik centre.

I found the stay pretty hard going as there were no adults there who spoke English and it would have been nice to have some adult conversation, there were three young people who spoke very good English but I felt awful asking them to interpret all the time when they wanted to relax or play volley ball.

We visited a very beautiful castle while we there and I think it opened the girls eyes as to the fact there used to many great wars in our world.

The difference in cultures showed very much between the two groups and it was not a problem for either groups, the girls did have a bit of difficulty with the food, but that was soon overcome by the discovery of a shop down the road, so the girls wee able to stock up the essentials, crisps, chocolate and sweets.




I would definitely say the trip was a success but if we are invited back I think I will take a much older age group as the girls I took missed home too much and seemed to turn every drama into a crisis.


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